
Honest, loyal, senior software engineer, looking to make a real difference by putting people first.

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One less thing…

June 12, 2015

It’s official. It’s done. One less thing. After putting on the new plates, one needed to take their new bike on her first little ride.

How “better” than the Nürburgring???

I mean, taking a simple cruise around the quiet back roads, to get accustomed to the new riding position, bike dynamics, brakes, horsepower and handling, not to mention riding on the opposite side of the road. That stuff just sounds like child’s play. Why not instead just go to a race track full of speed demons and see how you measure up?!?!?

To be honest, I was completely out of my depth. Sure, after hitting 200kph and doing a whoopee in my helmet, I then became more worried about keeping out of everyone else’s way. Everything was so foreign and having no knowledge of the track apart from video footage made me a potential death trap. Would I do it again?


It was over so much faster than I thought so I guess I can’t have been that slow right??? I will upload the footage when able and will be hitting the GP track instead of the ring when I get back from Norway. This means I’ll be offline for a few weeks while up in the North. Though if you’re going over the Atlantic Highway, keep a look out for me.